AZORES | “Literacy and education are key to fight poverty”

© Governo dos Açores

The President of the Regional Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, attended last Tuesday the session marking the 50th anniversary of the Casa do Povo de Capelas on the island of São Miguel, recalling that literacy and education are key elements to fight poverty.

Acknowledging the role of the Casa do Povo de Capelas (community centre) as part of a “solidarity network” that “draws people towards a sense of community,” José Manuel Bolieiro defended that local power and local institutions are critical to the establishment of a “true ministry of Social Solidarity.”

The “greatest strength” of these institutions is the commitment of the Regional Government, the President of the Government continued, expressing his “enthusiasm and commitment” to Carlos Sousa, President of the said Casa do Povo.

“I would like to offer a word to those who have served people voluntarily and generously. The Casa do Povo de Capelas does not have the geography of the territory: it has that of the soul and the good service,” praised José Manuel Bolieiro.


Mauricio De Jesus
Maurício de Jesus é o Diretor de Programação da Rádio Ilhéu, sediada na Ilha de São Jorge. É também autor da rubrica 'Cronicas da Ilha e de Um Ilhéu' que é emitida em rádios locais, regionais e da diáspora desde 2015.