AZORES | President of the Government praises work of psychologists in health and education

© Governo dos Açores | Foto: MM

The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, praised the work of psychologists in the fields of health and education, pointing out that, under the current Government, the Regional Health Service (SRS) has almost twice as many of these professionals as it had before.

“It is not psychologists who need the SRS and the education system: it is these systems that need psychologists,” the President of the Government said, speaking in Ponta Delgada at the opening session of the 3rd Regional Meeting of the Portuguese Psychologists’ Association at the Teatro Micaelense.

Reminding those present that the current Government has practically doubled the number of these professionals in the SRS, José Manuel Bolieiro emphasised his “full availability” to continue “receiving contributions and integrating psychologists into the good work” of government practices.

“Progressively, it is important to eliminate prejudices about the role of psychology in society,” added the President of the Government.

He continued: “I firmly believe that the conclusions of this meeting will be a great opportunity to inspire future actions, projects and the promotion of public policies.”

The President also expressed the willingness of the Region to be a “true laboratory of the future” in “pilot experiments” in the field of psychology, particularly with regard to health and the promotion of education.

“Presence and proximity are decisive elements. My most demanding role is not to solve problems, but rather to prevent problems,” he emphasised.


Mauricio De Jesus
Maurício de Jesus é o Diretor de Programação da Rádio Ilhéu, sediada na Ilha de São Jorge. É também autor da rubrica 'Cronicas da Ilha e de Um Ilhéu' que é emitida em rádios locais, regionais e da diáspora desde 2015.