AZORES | Family Allowance Supplement for second half of 2022 already paid


The Vice-Presidency of the Government, through the Institute for Social Security of the Azores (ISSA), has already paid the Azorean Family Allowance Supplement for children and youth (CAAF) for the second half of 2022. The amount paid reached €1,257,336.57, covering 34,045 children.

This supplement is paid every six months and processed twice a year.

During the current legislative period, Artur Lima, Vice-President of the Government, stipulated that the procedures for the processing of the family allowance supplement should be changed, so as to ensure that the payment would be faster and more efficient, as is now the case.

According to Artur Lima, this supplement is an important direct aid for Azorean families, namely to face expenses and monthly costs with child raising.

In addition to being a support measure aimed at mitigating poverty situations and promoting social cohesion on the nine islands of the Azores, the family allowance supplement also contributes to stimulating birth rates and reducing regional inequalities.

It should be recalled that the 2023 Plan and Budget, based on social responsibility, provides for a 15% increase in the family allowance supplement. This increase will be reflected in the payment for the first semester of 2023, which is expected to take place by the end of June this year.

The government official also recalled the highest increase ever in social support, as provided for in the 2023 Regional Budget. It is already in force, namely free daycare, the 15% increase in the support for the purchase of medicines – COMPAMID, the regional pension supplement and the support for cancer patients – CEDO, and the allocation of support for admission to higher education.

The Family Allowance Supplement is a financial supplement granted to Family Allowance beneficiaries residing in the Azores with the aim of covering family expenses with child raising and the education of children and young people.

Although the beneficiaries of this support are children or young people, the recipients may be parents, guardians or institutions.


Mauricio De Jesus
Maurício de Jesus é o Diretor de Programação da Rádio Ilhéu, sediada na Ilha de São Jorge. É também autor da rubrica 'Cronicas da Ilha e de Um Ilhéu' que é emitida em rádios locais, regionais e da diáspora desde 2015.