AZORES | Artur Lima is guest of honour at session in California to mark Portuguese heritage month

| Foto: VPG

The Vice-President of the Regional Government, Artur Lima, will be the guest of honour at the session to present a resolution dedicated to Portuguese Heritage Month in California on June 24, which simultaneously marks Azores Day and Portugal Day.

Organised by the California Portuguese-American Coalition (CPAC), the event will take place in Sacramento at the California Assembly and Senate.

On June 24, Artur Lima will also meet with community leaders, including the leaders of the two fraternal societies with ties to our community, to discuss possible investments in the archipelago, as well as with the director of international relations for the California Chamber of Commerce, one of the most important organisations in the economic sector in this state. 

In addition to being the guest of honour at the presentation of the resolution, which praises the contribution of Azoreans and Azorean descendants to the economy and cultural diversity of the state of California, the Vice-President of the Government will meet with the Speaker of the State Assembly, Robert Rivas, the President of the State Senate, Mike McGuire, and the leader of the parliamentary group in the Assembly, Cecília Aguiar-Curry, an Azorean descendant, among others.

Artur Lima’s visit aims to establish institutional contacts to forge closer cooperation between the Azores and California and find new opportunities for economic development. It will be coordinated by CPAC, through its president Diniz Borges and the organisation’s director and contact manager in Sacramento, Cliff Costa, and accompanied by Zeto Carvalho, the Azorean Diaspora Councillor in this state.


Mauricio De Jesus
Maurício de Jesus é o Diretor de Programação da Rádio Ilhéu, sediada na Ilha de São Jorge. É também autor da rubrica 'Cronicas da Ilha e de Um Ilhéu' que é emitida em rádios locais, regionais e da diáspora desde 2015.