NEW’S | Azores scored better in Portuguese Language than national average in 9th grade exams, highlights Sofia Ribeiro

The average scores of Azorean students who took the 9th-grade final exams in the second phase were better than those recorded in 2023. The average in Portuguese Language was even higher than the national average.
The Regional Secretary for Education, Culture and Sport notes that the results achieved by Azorean students, “although still negative, show an increase compared to last school year, which is something to be praised.”
This year, the 114 Azorean students who took the Portuguese exam averaged 44.8%, compared to 33.9 % in 2023.
As for Math, the average recorded this year by the 110 students who took the exam stood at 22.1% while it was 18% last year.
Compared to the country, the average in Portuguese was higher than the national average (44%), while in Math, the Azores are about three percentage points behind the country (25%).
“It should be noted that the regional education system has been more stable than the national education system, which has been heavily affected by numerous strikes and a mass shortage of teaching staff,” says Sofia Ribeiro.