AZORES | Better salaries and job stability are essential for qualified young people, says Maria João Carreiro


The Regional Secretary for Youth, Vocational Training and Employment defended on Saturday, in Praia da Vitória, that the enhancement of qualifications among young people in vocational schools “should be associated with better salaries and job stability,” praising the “contribution of these young people to the promotion and recognition of intermediate technical staff in professional occupations.

“We have already supported the hiring of 3,000 young people, with more than 70% of them signing contracts of indefinite duration. These results encourage us to continue a path of improvement that cannot be followed without the proper recognition of the qualified young people on the part of companies, through better salaries and job stability,” said Maria João Carreiro at the graduation ceremony of the Praia da Vitória Vocational School students.  

According to the government official, in addition to the increase in job offers in the Region and the “undeniable” value of vocational education for the integration of young people into the labour market, “there are now better conditions for young people to begin their career.”  

Maria João Carreiro recalled that the “Estagiar T” programme, whose applications begin on August 1, currently provides better salaries and social security benefits. It is focused on traineeships in the private sector, since companies, and not the Public Administration, are required to hire trainees. 

Also regarding the investment in youth employment, the Regional Secretary recalled that the Government has ended the obligation of the first traineeship and registration at the Qualification and Employment Centre so that young people may benefit from hiring support measures, such as Contratar.Estável. It aims to support indefinite the hiring of trainees under contracts of indefinite duration in accordance with the salary paid by the company to these young workers. 

At a ceremony that celebrated the “pride and confidence” in young graduates, Maria João Carreiro praised the “commitment” of young people to complete a “demanding training path,” which prepared them for the “performance of a qualified occupation or to further pursue their studies.”

In this context, the Regional Secretary for Youth, Vocational Training and Employment challenged young people to be ambassadors of Vocational Education in Vocational Schools” and to join the “Your First Choice” campaign, an initiative aimed at raising awareness among young people about the more than 40 courses provided by Vocational Schools for the next academic year, the largest training offer in the last eight years. 

The Regional Secretary reiterated the commitment of the Regional Government to Vocational Education based on the “dialogue and cooperation” with Vocational Schools. This is evidenced by the 1.3 million-Euro financial support approved last week by the Council of the Government to compensate the penalties for trainees’ dropouts, under the terms of the previous funding model, thus contributing to the financial balance of regional vocational schools.


Mauricio De Jesus
Maurício de Jesus é o Diretor de Programação da Rádio Ilhéu, sediada na Ilha de São Jorge. É também autor da rubrica 'Cronicas da Ilha e de Um Ilhéu' que é emitida em rádios locais, regionais e da diáspora desde 2015.